I love the english language(ah, yes, I am from India)
I came across some interesting words that relate to forma and shapes and likenesses.
They are fascinating and I wanted to share them with you.
Here we go :-
Amygdaloid - Shaped like an almond
Anguine - Snake-like
Cestoid - Ribbon -like
Cucullate - Shaped like a hood
Ctenoid - Shaped like a comb or teeth
Crenellate - Notched / teeth-shaped
Cymbiform - Boat- shaped
Cuneate - Wedege-shaped
Cordate - Heart-shaped
Costate - Ribbed, having ribbs
Coronoid - Curved like a crow's beak(derived from Greek, a word meaning crow)
Cornious - hornlike(the corns in your feet derive from the root word 'corn'
Ethnoid - Sleeve-like
Falcate - Hooked, sickle-shaped
Flabellate - Fan-shaped
Fusiform - Shaped like a spindle; like a cigar tapered at both ends
Forficate - Scissors-shaped
Fimbricate - Fringed, bordered with hairs
Ganoid - Smooth, enamelled(of fish scales etc)
Guttate - Speckled
Imbricate - Arranged so as to overlap like tiles
Infindibular - Funnel-shaped
Loricate - Having defensive armour of bones, plates, scales etc(Rhino, croc)
Oblate - Spheroid
Ovine - Of, like sheep
Paonue - Of, like peacock
Patulous - Open, expanded
Pergamenous -Of, like parchment
Penannular - almost ring-like
Pelagian - Of, inhabiting open sea
Pluvial - of the rain
Psittacine - of, like a parrot
Quaquaversal - Pointing in all directions
Rosulate - Packed over each other like rose petals
Secund - Arranged on one side only, as flowers on a stem etc
Securiform - Shaped like axe
Setaceous - Having bristles
Suberose - Of, like cork
Struthious - Of, like an ostrich !!(You may wonder who on earth can use such a word. Well I came across it in that great guy, Nabokov's, novel ADA. I could not find the word in ordinary ,dictionaries way back then in 1970.)
Sigmoid - Curved like 'S' , inverted curve
Taliped - Club-footed
Tortile - Twisted, curved
Turbinate - Shaped like an inverted cone or top
Urceolate - Shaped like a pitcher(large body, small neck)
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