Sunday, October 28, 2012

The other day, I saw them drilling a bore well.  The machine was drilling hundreds of feet into the hard rocky earth. It was powered by compressed air. That produced an imagery in my mind – about the power of compression.
Words, too when compressed have power! A long word, when compressed, exhibits more power.
For example, ‘aggro’ connotes more meaning than ‘aggression’. Other  examples:-
Ad for advertisement
Condo for condominium
Deli for delicatessen
Perp for perpetrator
Cat for catamaran,,, and so on. I will be adding more to the list.
I would like to add my own concoction, ‘fant’ for fantastic!
of course the primordial condensation; ad for advertisement. simply grand.
* perm
*prez ( they have even the 'POTUS' - for The President of The United Syates!

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