Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bizarre news

Deccan Chronicle, 16thMay, 2009 – page 8, top, 1st col.
“26 year-old’..‘baby’baffles doctors”
Shilong, May 15th: A 26 year-old youth who looks like a toddler has baffled doctors in Meghalaya.
Jerly Lyngdoh is an adult trapped perhaps forever in a baby’s body and mind. Born on March 29, 1983 …has not grown beyond 84 cm …weighs 10 kg. He cannot talk…
J.Ryngdong, pediatrician of Ganesh Das Hospital said, “What is more intriguing is his inability to speak a single word….”
“The circumference of Jeryl’s head is equivalent to that of a child aged between nine months and one year….”