Saturday, December 8, 2012

Chemystery of words.
There is chemistry of words, like, as in poetry, and a fine piece of prose. But look at the chemystery I have discovered! The paradigm runs as follows. Consider individual items like atoms, in chemistry.  Oxygen, by itself, has a certain set of properties. It is highly combustible, for example. But when it combines with hydrogen, it produces water, which quenches fire! Well (pun intended, as you will see), words can behave like chemistry! Come, take the word, “come”. Its past tense is, “came”. It is not, “comed”, for god’s sake. Any doubt?
Well, well, take another chemical word like “well”. When you want to combine ‘well’ with ‘come’, you are welcome. Now form the past tense. “The president was warmly welcomed.” In case you have missed it, it is wel+COMED. How come come became comed? That is chemystery of words for you. Mystery indeed.


dondu(#11168674346665545885) said...

How come you did not tell me about your blog till now?

Well + come is just welcome and one l is lost. How about it?


SURY said...

If "l" is lost, no problem. There is a word in chemistry for it - just forgot.(it was in 1961 or like that. Don't blame me if I forgot that chemical word.)